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Free Will

The post headline:

Free Will

From the post:
The existence of free will and the original axiom of the logic of the description of the Universe.

Every existing person has an awareness of his own existence. Consciousness is part of the human body that has free will in making decisions about what the body is supposed to do.
The concept of free will means the potentially unlimited possibility of different non-deterministic choices. However, since the human body has many limitations, the notion of this unlimitedness is a concept that is included in the concept of infinity.
This is also consistent with the fact that human consciousness is not able to know what infinity is.
According to pure logic, the concept of infinity and all its verbal and mathematical substitutes can only be used to describe God as the Supreme Being over a being with free will.
Logical Conclusions:
The complement of infinity is nothingness, then nothingness and its conceptual substitutes are a term [sign] describing imaginary entities.
The current science of many fields is unfortunately partly incompatible with this axiom. The concept of singularity and a number of mathematical entries in the description of the Universe using the symbol of infinity is an example of this contradiction.
This means that it describes metaphysical entities [imaginary] rather than reality or uses the term reserved only for the description of God without any foundation.
The existence of God results from pure logic, and the "a priori axiom of logic" from the existence of consciousness that possesses free will.
The entire description of the Universe and physical phenomena on all posts is consistent with the a priori axiom of the logic of describing real entities, that is, without the use of infinity.
my comment:

A distinction can be made between free will and consciousness.
Every animal is born with the physical characteristics and behaviors of their parents. Genetics pass these from parents to each subsequent generation. Each animal is born with free will to survive as best as capable. That success will be passed on. If a group behavior develops through adaptation, like a colony, flock, herd, pack or school, then its success continues because the next generation will begin with the genetics of their parents. A failure of adaptation hampers the offspring.
Adaptation to geology, climate, predators, is not necessarily consciousness in the animal kingdom; this includes humanity which certainly involves conscious decisions that may or may not be productive or successful.
Life is successful in the universe regardless of the presence of true self awareness or even the concept of infinity.

This resulted in this response:

All this is true, I only point out that we have no right to use infinity to describe the Universe and any part of it.

My comment:
OK I agree with incorrect use of infinity. I had difficulty with the mix of free will, consciousness and then also infinity.

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