Culture and Religion

    The guide for society (and culture and religion) is important.
    This site expects the guide to be based on human nature, not on ancient scriptures or their interpretation.
    Our human nature is based on our genetics, so we have things in common with our parents' generation. Human beings are very groupish.  The basic social group for humans is the family; that is the true foundation for defining our society. With that foundation humans could achieve specialization of labor leading to a proliferation of social groups each having a unity of purpose to achieve success. Many of the topics in this site reference our human nature and our social nature.

    Culture arises out of a combination of social groups, like in a community. Sometimes the culture must deal with an unexplainable natural event. If the culture requires order and cannot accept the chaos of nature then the culture can assign responsibility for the event to a deity; a mythology is created to define and describe this deity. The religion will succeed only if the culture approves of this deity and determines that previous sense of order has been restored.

    When having a common theme, the topics in this site are collected into several Topic Groups (with the number of topics in each Topic Group (TG) shown below).  This list of TG links here also indicates the date of a recent topic. Each TG can be selected from the links here or below.

    The following links are to the respective Topic Groups.

    Culture (18)

    Religion (20)

    Moral values (10)

    Accountability (9)

    Politics (13)

    Business (11)

    Foreign policy (10)

    Future (11)


    Debates:  about Cosmology:

      Cosmology: my posts to facebook (> 180 items) (updated 09/22/2019)

      Cosmology: my comments to posts in facebook cosmology groups  ( > 90 items) (updated 09/26/2019)

      Cosmology research topics (> 20 items) (updated 09/26/2019)

    From mid- April 2020, all new cosmology content went to my 2nd site:

    A brief view of life (23) (new topic  09/17/2019)

    Mythology(9) (new topic  01/20/2019)

    The Religion of AGW (7 + 19 topics of analysis)  (new topic 08/23/2019)

    Creationism (6) (new topic added 05/09/2019)

    My response to BreakPoint commentaries (40)

    Comments on a blog about Progressive Christianity

    Various books for reference (3 lists)
    Academic publications about catastrophism (3 journals)

    About Me, the author (7) ( new topic  07/11/2019)

    Email Me If you have comments, please send an email to me.  All comments are welcome. This site is not a blog so it offers no interactive exchanges of comments; only emails.

    Six site navigation aids:

    Site Map (4) presents the site in an outline form, for simple navigation to all Topic Groups and Topics from one page. ( new topic added  07/22/2018)

    Newest Topics goes to the list with newest topics in the site.

    Site Chronology  offers a chronology of all topics, starting with the first or oldest.

    Site Brief offers a brief view of the site using a sample of topics.

    TG_Order offers a suggested order for reading the Topic Groups.

     Follow Cultureandreligion on Facebook as a Follow gets a notification when a new topic is added to the site.

    A reminder for zooming, with shortcuts common to most browsers, is at the bottom of each topic, in case the reader wishes a change in zoom  on any display.
    If a display can be moved left or right then it might be zoomed; pinch closed for no zoom. The font is a little larger when the smart phone display is wide not narrow (depends on the browser).

    New topics are noted above for the Topic Groups.
    'culture and religion' web site created - Nov. 2004
    last change to the web site - 09/26/2019
    Added Site Nav.button on 07/28/2021
    Ctrl + for zoom in;  Ctrl - for zoom out ;  Ctrl 0 for no zoom;
    triple-tap for zoom to fit;  pinch for zoom change;  pinched for no zoom

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