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Parallel Universe

The post headline:
Scientists are trying to open a portal to a parallel universe

From the article:

One set of anomalous results, and the ones which inspired the research, date back to the 1990s, when particle physicists were measuring the time it took for neutron particles to break down into protons once they were removed from an atom's nucleus.

Two separate experiments saw the neutrons broke down at differing rates, instead of decaying and becoming protons at exactly the same rate, as was expected.

In one, the free neutrons were captured by magnetic fields and herded into laboratory bottle traps, and in the other they were detected by the subsequent appearance of proton particles from a nuclear reactor stream.

Those particles fired out in the stream from the nuclear reactor lived on average for 14 minutes and 48 seconds – nine seconds longer than those from the bottle traps.

It may sound like a small difference, but it has troubled scientists.

But the existence of a mirror world offers a credible explanation: That there are two separate neutron lifetimes, and it could be that around 1 per cent of neutrons could be crossing the divide between our reality and the mirror world before crossing back and then emitting a detectable proton.
But if the detector does register the presence of neutrons, the theory is that they may have gone through the wall by "oscillating" into the mirror world – becoming mirror neutrons – and reappearing in this universe, and more specifically the lab in Tennessee.

"Only the ones that can oscillate and then come back into our universe can be detected," Ms Broussard told the New Scientist in June.

Furthermore, the team will set up magnetic fields on either side of the wall, which they can alter in strength. It is hoped certain strengths may assist the oscillation of the particles.

Despite the tidy theory, the team is playing down the chances of revealing reality's shadowy twin.

"I fully expect to measure zero," Ms Broussard said of the initial tests.

But if they do detect a neutron on the far side of the wall, it could have profound implications.
"If you discover something new like that, the game totally changes," Ms Broussard told NBC.

The existence of a mirror world could also explain our universe's lack of the isotope Lithium 7, which physicists believe doesn't match the quantities the Big Bang would have created.

The detection of high-energy cosmic rays which come from beyond our galaxy could also be explained by the existence of the mirror world.

They are too powerful to have travelled only through the observed universe, but if they had oscillated into the mirror realm and then back out again, it could explain why that is the case.

my comment:

If 'the existence of a mirror world offers a credible explanation' then I can safely conclude particle physics is broken.

Neutrons do not decay exactly as predicted. The first step should be improving our understanding of neutrons. Instead of that rational response the utterly laughable explanation offered is: a parallel universe is affecting the neutrons.
Instead of fixing the theory, the pouty child says 'I am taking my ball home where it won't be affected by that ghost.'

This nonsense is a replay of dark matter and dark energy. Scientists refuse to fix their models and instead offer dark excuses.

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