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  Red Shift Energy

The initial post was about the content of the universe; I commented to that post here.
In response to my comment another offered this comment:

Dark energy actually conserves energy in cosmology as does matter but radiation loses energy as it red shifts.
Neutrinos have so little mass that they behaved like radiation for the first million years or so but after that they had slowed down enough that their kinetic energy was lower than their mass and they behave more like matter.
My reply much later:

GD: radiation loses energy as it red shifts.

Has that been tested and confirmed?
A red shift or a blue shift involves an atom in motion so it must have kinetic energy.
An emission line is the energy from the electron shell change, from higher to lower.  An absorption line is the atom absorbing the wavelength's energy moving to a higher energy shell. To conserve energy the combination of kinetic energy and the wavelength energy (+or -) before and after the emission line or absorption line must be the same. The energy of the emission or absorption affects the atom's kinetic energy, via the velocity, by a tiny amount. The red or blue shift affects the wavelength energy.

Energy is conserved through the red shift or blue shift.

I cannot test and confirm this but this follows the conservation of energy.
You proposed energy is not conserved as is the case with no exceptions I am aware of.

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