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Story of Dark Matter

James Peebles was awarded the Nobel Prize for physics in 2019. The Nobel Prize group provided a telephone interview with James. In the interview James gives an incoherent description of dark matter with no description of what it is and how to detect it.
There are 2 reasons why dark matter has not been detected: 1) there is no defined method to find it and 2) dark matter does not exist.

Dark matter is more complicated than the simple, vague description offered by James.

It has two reasons for being 25% of the universe.
1) spiral galaxies don't rotate as expected,

2) the universe has structures that cannot be explained by visible matter.

The problem with both reasons:

1) cosmology is based on late-19th century physics when gravity was believed the only important force affecting motion.
Gravity explained our solar system so well Neptune and Pluto were predicted, though the Pluto prediction was off a little.
In the late 1800's some physicists assumed we knew it all.
Relativity and cosmology use only gravity as the only important force.

The model for a spiral galaxy assumes the galaxy rotates like our solar system.

It does not. When enough visible matter could not explain this observation the solution was there must be missing matter whose gravity is causing the deviation from the model. This missing matter is called dark matter. This was the accepted explanation though it had no details.

Stars are mostly ionized hydrogen so each is a massive, positively charged body.
A spiral galaxy has a strong magnetic field. The Lorentz force is tangential so the spiral arms are being pushed in rotation by the magnetic field.

Dark matter is the excuse for the ignored magnetic field which has a force on charged bodies, dependent on distance.
Cosmologists who use the magnetic field in their model find the curve matches.  This explanation uses a real force but the magnetic field is not visible.

No dark matter is needed with this model change.

2) Filamentary structures are observed to span distances between galaxies.

Plasma has various unique behaviors and one is plasma, as moving charged particles, inherently develops filaments because moving charges always create a magnetic field and the magnetic field around them confines the flowing charged particles. The term plasma was applied to filaments of charges due to this observed behavior similar to blood flow.

Gravity can only attract matter so its structures are limited to spheres, like planets. Gravity alone cannot organize matter into the visible long, linear structures.

Since there is nothing else available that is visible, dark matter is assumed to be present in and along these filaments to be the hidden source of gravity in the necessary distribution to get the visible matter to form the visible filament structure.
There can be no test of this explanation because dark matter is undefined.
Dark matter is simply an excuse for the failure to realize plasma forms filaments without requiring gravity.

Dark matter is not a placeholder waiting for a better explanation ; it is a failure and it stops the attempt to solve the problem because it is treated as the solution.

Dark matter is only an excuse until cosmology changes its antiquated assumption about gravity.

Anyone who has ever used a little magnet to pick up a small metal object like a paper clip knows gravity is weak compared to electromagnetic forces. The force of gravity from the mass of the Earth is unable to hold the small piece of metal against the magnetic force from a tiny magnet.

There is no dark matter. It is just an excuse for being unable to explain observations with just gravity.

Cosmology must recognize electromagnetic forces and the importance of plasma.

Hannes Alfven was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1970 for essentially starting the science of plasma physics.

Cosmology has yet to adapt to the sea change begun in 1970.

No one should waste time trying to find or understand dark matter. It does not exist.
It has been proposed because cosmologists like James Peebles failed to explain observations with only gravity.
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