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Milky Way Center

What is at the center of our Milky Way?

Visual images show many, many stars.

There is no sign of 'creamy caramel and smooth nougat' like in the candy bar of that name.
The motions of the star S2 had been used to justify the claim there was an invisible black hole there but now that S2 orbit is too 'perturbed' to be a valid reference. At this time there is no star to imply an invisible black hole is there.

Images in radio waves indicate a very strong source at the galactic center; this source (having no apprent visual counterpart) is called Sagitarius A*.

In 2016 there were news stories with headlines like 'X marks the spot at the center of the Milky Way galaxy' for an image in infrared taken by the WISE space telescope. This X appearance is from a Z pinch observed with plasma.

From that news release on 07/19/2016:
"We see the X-shape and boxy morphology so clearly in the WISE image and this demonstrates that internal formation processes have been the ones driving the [galactic] bulge formation."

X-ray images show an extremely bright X-ray source near what is thought to be at the galactic center.

Our Sun is an X-ray source but not from fusion. From a NASA document:

The X-rays we detect from the Sun do not come from the Sun's surface, but from the solar corona, which is the upper layer of the Sun's atmosphere. Only very hot gases can emit X-rays, and the corona, at millions of degrees, is hot enough to emit X-rays, while the much cooler surface of the Sun is not. Thus, the Sun's atmosphere is an excellent source of X-rays.

These X-rays from the sun are generated by the plasma outside the core or surface.

Synchrotron radiation covers a wide spectrum from visible to radio to X-ray.

From a Sandia National Laboratories document:
Sandia, with machines like the Department of Energy-funded PBFA-Z, is a world leader in generating large pulses of power. PBFA-Z uses its tremendous electrical energy to create a powerful magnetic field that rapidly implodes a plasma within what can be visualized as a tiny, gold-plated soup can the size of a thimble. Stopping the motion of the plasma's atoms as the magnetic field shrinks to nearly zero creates tremendous heat within the field's confines.
The extremely large output of power and energy was accomplished by converting the accelerator's electrical output into a dense, ionized gas (plasma) called a z-pinch, which efficiently produces X-rays.

A z-pinch is so named because it creates a magnetic field that, as it contracts around ionized gas, pinches it vertically along (to a mathematician) the z-axis.


Sandia uses a strong electric current to generate a strong magnetic field that pinches plasma to generate X-rays.

The link1 below (from the LANL site) describes how a galaxy is a coherent electromagnetic phenomenom, not just a collection of stars somehow affected by invisible dark matter. All the stars are positive charged (due to ionized hydrogen) and are subject to electromagnetic forces.

If it is of interest see also this link2 for a barred spiral evolution.



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