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Ball Of Light Particle Model

the post:
Who here believes in the simple "BALL OF LIGHT" particle model?

my comment:

I disagree with the the ball of light particle model because it proposes the electromagnetic radiation consisting of perpendicular electric and magnetic fields gets another perpendicular field, a gravitational field.
I used the the web site grandunification for a description.
It also mentions antimatter.
Light has no observed behaviors involving gravity. Antimatter does not exist either so these two  mentions implies this concept is misdirected. Only antiparticles exist and have nothing to do with a wavelength of light.

Here is my position on a photon particle.

A photon as a particle exists only in QM.
A photon as a convenient short word for one wavelength of electromagnetic radiation exists outside QM, but this a word not a particle.

Spin is the QM term for polarization.
A 'photon' is the QM description for one wavelength.
That wavelength is there whether we call it a photon or call it a wavelength having properties like polarization and intensity.

This 'massless particle' called a photon is a QM concept that simply makes descriptions of some light behaviors easier.

For example the photoelectric effect, driven by a specific threshold wavelength for the target material, can be described easier by just using 'photon' for that threshold wavelength.

An absorption line is a similar behavior with a specific threshold wavelength for the target element. Because the wavelength is absorbed by an atom's electron changing its state, 'photon' is rarely used for an event with a lost wavelength.

With the photo electric effect the electron absorbing the energy of the threshold wavelength leaves the atom rather than just changing its state. The excess energy beyond the state change is passed to the electron in its kinetic energy so there is a minimum energy for the light higher than this wavelength to get an electron emission.

This observed threshold for energy to get an electron emission helped result in: 'a concept first put forward by Max Planck that light waves consist of tiny bundles or packets of energy known as photons or quanta.'

A photon emitter device generates individual wave lengths, no particles.

A photon detector device detects a particular wave length, not a particle.

The term 'photon' is commonly accepted as one wavelength of 'the classical polarized sinusoidal plane electromagnetic wave.'

The term 'photon' is widely accepted (i.e., the term exists) but no actual photon 'particle' exists.

Since a unit of time can be equated to a unit of length, events can be described in three
dimensions instead of four.
Time is NEVER a dimension.  I have other problems with the usage of coordinate systems here but that is an obvious one. To propose time changes to get motion is backwards. Time is a measurement of motion. The observer does not move time to get motion.

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