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Destructive Cosmology

This is a personal observation about cosmologies.

The Big Bang is part of an inherently destructive cosmology.

The popular cosmology is based on relativity which is based on the gravitational field for its space-time behaviors.
Because electric and magnetic fields are not part of the basis for relativity these important forces are ignored in popular cosmology.

Electric fields can either attract or repel. When limited to only gravity the result is verything must eventually collapse.

The universe is obviously not collapsing.

The cosmology requires violent or destructive behaviors for explanations.

The big bang is a creation event for all matter in the universe.
This incredible explosion of an unknown entity launched everything from the point of origin.

Almost immediately, destruction begins.
Both matter are assumed to be created in the initial seconds but the antimatter is destroyed with only matter surviving during this process of mutual destruction.

Despite diverging trajectories from the explosion, matter is (somehow) able to clump.

These clumps compressed by only gravity are able to achieve the required extreme density, pressure, and temperature to achieve fusion. A star is born.

The destruction of matter begins with fusion converting matter into energy.

The star can attain a huge mass though gravitational accretion (consuming surrounding matter) resulting in a singularity in space-time.

This mass has been lost from the universe into a black hole, essentially destroyed as nothing can escape the singularity.

The conundrum arises where each galaxy has a black hole which should 'swallow' everything around it but it does not. Black holes do not exist.

In the Electric Universe,  radiation usually occurs without loss of matter, having its origin in matter, often synchrotron radiation, or from matter as emission lines or as thermal radiation. Cold fusion can create new elements on an anode surface (with little or no loss of matter). Electric discharges also generate radiation like above the solar surface.

In these cases, radiation results from energy transfers, not the destruction of matter.

In popular cosmology gravity cannot explain motions on the cosmological scale with its clusters and filaments.
Dark matter and dark energy are required.
Sometimes, as a last resort for an anomaly, a collision is proposed. A collision can bring together objects which have no explanation, like the distribution of star types in globular clusters and their primary galaxy.

A destructive cosmology is not convincing when the observed universe is stable.

The Electric Universe should appeal to anyone repelled by such destruction proposed by popular cosmology.

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