Culture and Religion

Observations about society, including culture and religion, and about life. With our inherent social nature, group behaviors are important, such as divide and conquer, absolute power, or conformance, in the critical issues of our day. A team with diverse skills can accomplish what an individual cannot. Our problems are solved when we work together.


Does God Bless America?

Do We Have Tyranny?

Left Hand of God

Governed by Fear

Political Power

End of Civil Debate

Domestic Enemies

No Hope and No Change

Big Government Is Not Socialism

Campaign Slogans

Free Market for Basic Needs

Global Ruling Class



Global Ruling Class

The current ruling class for the world has evolved over the last century, from a few based in certain industries to the current one that is more diversified. The bottom line: absolute power corrupts absolutely and the global elite lacks any mechanism for accountability - and so the world is suffering based on their selfish actions. This essay is my interpretation of this global elite. The recent election of Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton might have seemed initially to be a shake up in the American political landscape but his initial nominations for various positions are all members of the establishment so it seems little will actually change for Americans with who is actually the new President (at the time of this post there is still an effort to get the electoral college to pick Hillary who got the higher voter percentage of Donald who got the higher electoral college count).

There are unfortunate relationships between absolute power and lack of empathy for those in the lower economic classes: psychopathy (lack of empathy for the lesser beings) and eugenics (the ruling class consists of the elite who are richer than the rest and who are therefore also assumed to be better genetically just because they attained that higher status). Greed is apparently one of those human emotions that is truly insatiable - and the rich will inflict misery on the lower classes to sustain their persistent need for more (no matter how much they have already).

James Corbett has offered interesting podcasts and youtube videos to highlight the evolution of the global ruling class in our world, which rules a global military and financial empire.

The first link is titled: the Rise of the Oiligarchs. This video describes the wealth and power behind the rich oil barons.

The second link is about the Federal Reserve. This video (with transcript) describes the power given to the largest private banks running the US economy since the Woodrow Wilson administration.

Wilson's time in office is notable because of several pivotal events. The Federal Reserve was created, so the country's economy was rooted in private banks rather than a national bank. The income tax was also created, so the federal government being run by private banks was sure to have guaranteed income. Though having campaigned against such involvement, Wilson also directed the US armed forces into the conflict waging in Europe so the federal government had an increased military involvement in the world requiring more federal spending within its budget (which was being financed via the private banks, so interest on the federal debt was going to those banks). Wilson was also involved in the attempt to create the League of Nations, a new world government but that failed as the Congress at the time was not willing to abandon America's sovereignty.

Wilson is also famously quoted about separate levels of education for the few rich compared to the rest.

    “We want one class of persons to have a liberal education, and we want another class of persons, a very much larger class of necessity in every society, to forgo the privilege of a liberal education and fit themselves to perform specific difficult manual tasks.”

The political group that failed at the creation of the League of Nations became the Council on Foreign Relations after Wilson's terms. This goal of a world government body later succeeded with the United Nations after World War 2 had ended.

From the Council on Foreign Relations web site:

    In the wake of the difficult 1919 Paris Peace Conference negotiations and the U.S. Senate’s rejection of the Treaty of Versailles, a group of diplomats, financiers, scholars, and lawyers concluded that Americans needed to be better prepared for significant responsibilities and decision-making in world affairs. With this in mind, they founded the Council on Foreign Relations in 1921 to “afford a continuous conference on international questions affecting the United States, by bringing together experts on statecraft, finance, industry, education, and science.”

Hillary Clinton was quoted about getting CFR advice, as her politics were always to favor the establishment, not the public.

    “I am delighted to be here in these new headquarters. I have been often to, I guess, the mothership in New York City. But it’s good to have an outpost of the Council right here down the street from the State Department. We get a lot of advice from the Council, so this will mean I won’t have as hard a go to be told what we should be doing, and how we should think about the future.”

Here is the James Perloff take on the CFR, in two links (an interview and an article).

This article about the Trilateral Commission describes it as something of an derivative from the CFR after Japan was recognized as the third major economic power after the US and Europe. Jimmy Carter was somewhat involved with it after 1973 and (by coincidence or not) he because President in 1976, the next election. Here is Noam Chomsky's view on the Trilateral Commission.

The Bilderberg group is another of these secretive groups of the global elite meeting once a year to discuss what can and/or should be done in the next year. These meetings are never public which is a sure sign the attendees are not seeking results in the public interest.

The opium industry actually began much earlier than the oil industry but those involved eventually became part of the global financial elite. Here are links to several articles about HSBC being involved with the opium drug industry over many years. The opium drug trade remains critical to American foreign policy (our foreign drug lords and government puppets protected by the CIA remain agreeable to American policies).

Philanthropic foundations are entities wholly unaccountable, yet serve as very influential political action groups. The tax benefits for these political foundations arose in 1917, during the Wilson administration.

The Rockefeller Foundation is involved in many of the international groups mentioned within this essay.

David Rockefeller even offered this often referenced comment from his memoirs (from a speech in 1991):

    “We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years... It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supernational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries.”

George Soros uses his foundation to work toward his political objectives. The Soros Soundation is a channel for his political influence, as confirmed by the leaked links between George Soros and Hillary Clinton.

Bill Gates is one of the world's richest men and he grew up in a household where population control was a topic for conversation for his parents. His foundation's vaccine programs often have a sterilization component. Bill Gates was also critical in the definition and launch of the Common Core standard for education, the framework for privatizing public education (with the goal: teach the minimum for the masses by using simple standards that can be easily met by profit oriented businesses, rather than having a public school accountable to its local school board) to the detriment of publicly funded and publicly accountable education.

The Koch brothers have continued their political influence through their foundations. The Koch brothers are somewhat famous here in Wisconsin for having purchased the services of Scott Walker to be the state governor, and then having Scott implement their desired political changes to a more conservative form of government, replacing what had been a state that historically followed more progressive policies (as can be seen by the influence of Robert LaFollette and then later the number of socialist Milwaukee mayors). Scott was in the news in 2011 during the union unrest when a radio personality recorded a phone conversation where Scott thought he was talking with David Koch, not the person on the radio.

The replacement of local initiatives with national policies is readily apparent now with groups such as ALEC, the American Legislative Exchange Council. ALEC allows state legislators to get their bills written by corporate lobbyists, so the bills already have corporate backing and the legislator has a much easier time with the bill proposal and its language - simply because it is done for him/her. I checked into my State Senator some months ago and discovered one of his campaign issues was voter ID. Voter fraud is almost nonexistent in Wisonson but voter suppression of the poor is very important to maintaining the current power structure (it was very helpful to the election of Donald Trump) so it makes sense local politicians will now follow the guide being given to them. The cliche 'all politics is local' now means local politics are dictated from above for a uniform message.

John Perkins has written about his experience as an economic hit man, one of those working for an NGO to put third world countries into a position where eventually they must submit to austerity requests by the global financial elite - or else the leader will be overthrown or murdered. This has happened many times in different countries, like in Central America and no doubt the pattern will continue to be repeated as more failed states fall victim to the global elite.

During the Great Depression, though the creation of the Federal Reserve was supposed to prevent such financial disasters, some thought a new group of wise technocrats could manage the country, both politically and economically, to prevent such a calamity in the future. The concept of a technocracy became somewhat popular in the 1930's but eventually most could see the basic concept of such central control is simply not valid. This concept has been resurrected in the recent decades with the UN IPCC pushing for global control of carbon dioxide emissions, with the ludicrous claim that the control of man's generation of this trace gas (though known to be in less quantities than that generated by nature) can also control the world's weather. That relationship has been falsified (the level of CO2 in the atmosphere does not have a link to temperatures or weather, whether at the scale of local or global) but the noble cause of saving the world by managing carbon dioxide has convinced many to believe the myth (to the point the CO2 dogma can be called a religion and the dedicated followers are just believers in the faith, opposite of all those being called deniers who deny the myth while considering the facts).The IPCC and global warming alarmists are seeking a world government solution to a non-problem.

A citizen effort against Agenda 21, another term for the global technocracy used by the IPCC, has its own web site. The technocracy envisioned by the UN IPCC is a bureaucratic global government entity, one that can be easily controlled by global political forces; this entity would have no accountability mechanism that can be exercised by global society.

The surprise after the election of Donald Trump is there might be a move against this CO2 alarmism, with a memo from the Trump Transition Team to the Department of Energy asking for quite the level of detail. It remains to be seen how this falls out (the initial reaction by the DOE was just to deny the request), if the intent is to keep the CO2 alarmists active against the Trump administration as a distraction from many other, much more useful political actions that could help the middle/lower classes than CO2.

The Libor Scandal finally hit the news in 2012. The international financial markets are supposedly self-regulated but with no real external accountability mechanism such manipulation of interest rates, which apparently have been ongoing since the early 1990's, must be expected. Absolute power corrupts absolutely and among the very rich greed is insatiable (as can be seen in austerity measures on the poor in states that fail financially like Greece to keep funds forever flowing to the rich). There are more than $350 trillion in the derivatives market. At some point perhaps in the not too distant future, this greed driven Ponzi scheme of international capital to the global ruling class will collapse. This recent interview also points out the financial markets are based on speculation, rent, and interest. These are all parasitic actions. The global ruling class is a parasite, not actually trying to produce goods and services to benefit society. Their behaviors really all come down to satisfying their insatiable greed.

These different groups of the global elite are essentially separate social networks, with some overlap - rather like the inner party in the book 1984. These social groups, through their discussions during meetings withheld from the public, reinforce the control of the global elite through their consensus, which is unburdened by accountability mechanisms from the rest of the world. These psychopaths are also unburdened by any guilt from the misery caused by their actions affecting the rest of the world. Witness the various failed states caused by American interventions over recent decades - and more failed states are inevitable given no check on the American hegemony (though Russia and China might be trying). Rather incredibly, the recent fiasco that was the 2016 Presidential election makes it seem as though America could also headed toward a failed state condition rather soon. At the time of this post, plans are being made to disrupt the Trump inauguration or even to still somehow get Hillary Clinton elected despite the electoral college results from Election day. These scenarios would certainly make the transition even more difficult than it expected when just left to the normal process of past inaugurations. Unfortunately for all but the military industrial complex, if the political unrest worsens during the transition phase, uniting the country in a war (either domestic or foreign) might be the only alternative for the establishment against complete political chaos resulting from their selfish failure to work toward the benefit of most in American society rather than of only those within the very small ruling class.

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