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For those not familiar with both terms cosmology explains how the cosmos works; astronomy deals with what we see in the universe, like planets and stars, and with the telescopes we use to see them.
I have posted some of my views on cosmology to a Facebook  (FB) group named: Cosmology & Astrophysics (or C &A). The exchange of posts followed by comments and replies in this format is an exchange similar to a debate.

This is too much content for one very long topic or for so many individual topics. This way the browser gets each for the reader only  when selected.

If you have a FaceBook account and wish to see more of the exchanges (including posts and comments by others) in this FB group, I post as 'David Michalets'  Access is probably limited if not a member of the group.

Perhaps the FB group will close and I will find another similar site; this is my archive of my content. Eventually I went to another group, then watched other groups.
On 04/18/2019, I switched my posting to FB group named: Cosmology; I reyurned in 06/2019 for intermittent posting.  For the Cosmology group I revised several  previous posts and posted the new version to that group; I also posted new content to this group. Quite a few members in this group became rather hostile when I questioned a black hole. I quit the group in 04/2019, but rejoined in 07/2019 for a few weeks  simply because it has so many members; after more harsh comments I won't return.
On 04/23/2019,  I switched my posting to the FB group named: Electric Universe theory (or EUT). This group is receptive to discussing problems in cosmology. For my new content sometimes I also post a copy to that C&A FB group since I get positive feedback, in an attempt to continue presenting new ideas though the two groups have a different history from me so some edits are needed, or even separate versions.
When the same title is shown on different dates then it was updated in the later version. I have been learning along the way. Earlier posts were before more was learned.

Please click on the date link to see that day's text.

I consider the content from my posts below of more interest than comments I added to posts by others in a FB group.

Here are my posts to Facebook, with its date;  my comments to others' posts starting in 2018 (> 90) are in a separate topic; a brief topic is shown for each post
Click here to jump to the bottom (to most recent). List is long at > 180.

posts to C&A:

01/19/2019  Plasma Bending of Light

01/25/2019  C as the Speed Limit

01/26/2019  Cosmological Principle

01/26/2019  Cosmological Redshifts

01/26/2019   Cosmological Model

01/27/2019  Distance Calculation

01/28/2019  Dark Matter

02/01/2019 Gravitational waves

02/01/2019 SMBH Mass calculation

02/03/2019 Cosmology Off the Rails

02/04/2019 Dark Stuff

02/05/2019 Andromeda Core

02/05/2019 M87 Core

02/05/2019 IC1101 Core

02/06/2019 Abell 2218  Lensing

02/06/2019 Quantum Mechanics 10 Dimensions

02/07/2019 Time Travel

02/08/2019   Aliens

02/09/2019 Neutron Star

02/10/2019 SMBH calculation  update

02/13/2019 Milky Way Center

02/16/2019  Begin Time

02/17/2019 Cosmic Microwave Background CMB

02/22/2019 Red Shifts are Geocentric

02/23/2019 Universe Expansion is Geocentric

02/26/2019 Is Big Bang Logical

02/27/2019 Is Big Bang Logical - group exchanges

02/28/2019 Is Black Hole Singularity Logical

03/01/2019 SMBH Masses

03/06/2019 Space Time Curvature


03/07/2019 Hubble's Law

03/08/2019 Electromagnetic Waves

03/09/2019 Does a Photon Exist

03/10/2019 Photon Spin Entanglement

03/11/2019 Creating Round Craters

03/18/2019 Local Group is Isolated from Its Space

03/19/2019 Local Group is Isolated - exchanges

03/18/2019 Andromeda Galaxy group has unique  blue shift

03/22/2019 Travel Faster Than Light

03/23/2019 - Black Hole Worm Hole

03/24/2019 - Space Time Geometry

03/25/2019 - Relativity and Light

03/27/2019 - Dwarf Planet Trivia

03/27/2019 - Gravitational Lensing Again - with exchanges

03/29/2019 - Andromeda Galaxy Group Blue Shift - Update

03/29/2019 - Red Shift Theory

03/30/2019 - Moon's  Gravitational lens

03/31/2019 - Matter Double Slit Experiment

03/31/2019 - Matter Double Slit Experiment - Follow Up

04/01/2019 - Photoelectric Effect Photon

04/03/2019 - Nebular Hypothesis

04/04/2019 - Maffei Galaxy Group

04/05/2019 - Matter Bends Light Not Gravity - with exchanges

04/06/2019 - Quasar Red Shift

04/10/2019 - Missing Dark Matter

04/10/2019 - Intergalactic Hydrogen Red Shift

04/12/2019 - M87 Core

04/12/2019 - Andromeda M31 Spectrum

04/13/2019 - Crisis in Cosmology

04/14/2019 - Hubble's Law, Hubble Flow, Hubble Constant


04/14/2019 - Using Absorption Lines  - with exchanges

04/15/2019 - Big Bang Predicament

04/16/2019 - M31 Dark Magnetic Field

04/16/2019 - M31 Relative Velocity

changed to Cosmology group for a while:

04/18/2019 - Galaxies with a Blue Shift

04/19/2019 - M31 Dark Magnetic Field

04/20/2019 - Spacetime Geometry

04/20/2019 - Impossible Black Hole

04/22/2019 - Impossible Black Hole - Reaction Exchanges

04/22/2019 - Spacetime Geometry - Reaction Exchanges

Changed to the Electric Universe Theory FB group:
Several of the above topics were posted with no or minimal changes.
These were updates or new.

04/24/2019 - Hubble's Law Assumption

04/24/2019 - Refuting Relativity

04/24/2019 - Quasar Red Shift Update

04/26/2019 - Round Craters

04/29/2019 - Einstein's Cross looks like Hoag's Object - 1

04/29/2019 - Einstein's Cross looks like Hoag's Object - 2

04/29/2019 - Einstein's Cross looks like Hoag's Object - 3

my unposted comment - No, the cross is just 5 quasars which are close

04/30/2019 - Venus Runaway Greenhouse

05/02/2019 - Astronomers Repeat A Mistake

05/02/2019 - Relativity and Velocity

05/04/2019 - Local Group is Isolated

05/05/2019 - Asteroid As Old As Earth

05/05/2019 - Martian Craters

05/06/2019 - Sensational Terminology

05/06/2019 - LIGO Design Critique

05/08/2019 - Gravitational Waves in Newtonian Physics

05/08/2019 - LIGO events and the Moon Phase

05/10/2019 - LIGO events and the Moon Position

05/11/2019 - The Need for Dark Matter

05/12/2019 - Shifts in Emission Lines and Absorption Lines for M31

05/13/2019 - Virgo-centric Flow and no Hubble Flow

05/15/2019 - Using Absorption and Emission Lines


05/17/2019 - Gaia Spectrum Data

05/21/2019 - Sagittarius A* in radio

05/22/2019 - Distances to Galactic Clusters

05/23/2019 - Birth of a Quasar From M77?

my post about M77: No, just a coincidence

05/25/2019 - Distant Distortion of Galaxies

05/29/2019 - Cognitive Dissonance

06/02/2019 - Supernova Standard Candle

06/02/2019 - Ring Currents

06/03/2019 - Using Standard Candles - with exchange

06/04/2019 - Globular Clusters

06/04/2019 - Globular Clusters part 2

06/06/2019 - Elliptical Galaxies

06/06/2019  - Compact Elliptical Galaxy with Dark Matter

06/07/2019 - Big Bang Cosmology

06/08/2019 - Big Bang Cosmology part 2

06/09/2019 - Code for Early Bright Hot

06/09/2019 - Code for Early Bright Hot - Updated

06/09/2019 - Gamma Rays Part 1 - Intro

06/09/2019 - Gamma Rays Part 2 - Blazars

06/12/2019 - Cosmology Uncertainty Principle

06/13/2019 - Code for Early Brighter Hotter - posted to C&A

06/13/2019 - Code for Early Brighter Hotter - posted to my Facebook page

06/14/2019 - Tabloid Science - posted to EUT

06/15/2019 - Predictable Universe - posted to EUT

06/16/2019 - Spiral Galaxy Model

06/17/2019 - Dark Intergalactic Mystery

06/20/2019 - Collage of Galactic Rings Claimed to be Distortions - to EUT

06/21/2019 - Two Red Shift Predictions- posted to EUT

06/21/2019 - Red Shift Distances Using Hubble Constant -  to EUT

06/24/2019 - Need for Dark Energy - posted to EUT

06/25/2019 - Two Red Shift Predictions - posted to C&A

06/25/2019 - Need for Dark Energy - posted to C&A

06/26/2019 - New Cosmological Model - posted to both

06/27/2019 - Galaxy Clusters - posted to C&A

06/28/2019 - Galaxy Cluster Clouds - posted to C&A

06/30/2019 - Ring Currents - posted to C&A

07/01/2019 - Bacteria Motor - posted to EUT

07/02/2019 - LIGO events Near Celestial Events with an Earth Tide -  to both

07/03/2019 - Magellanic Clouds - posted to EUT

07/03/2019 - Heat in a Galaxy - posted to C&A

07/06/2019 - Do Photons Exist?- posted to C&A

07/06/2019 - Cosmology Tolerance for Deviation - to both

07/07/2019 - Magellanic Clouds in Motion - to C&A

07/08/2019 - Milky Way and Its Satellites - to both

The next two were posted to the  Cosmology FB group, getting negative feedback.

07/11/2019 - LIGO events Near Celestial Events with an Earth Tide

07/12/2019 - LIGO events Near Celestial Events with an Earth Tide Part 2

the following one was posted to C&A and EUT:

07/13/2019 - LIGO Inspiral Events Confirmation

07/13/2019 - LIGO Inspiral Events Confirmation - exchanges in C&A

07/14/2019 - Two Red Shift Predictions - posted to Cosmology

07/15/2019 -Nonuniform Universe Expansion - posted to Cosmology and to C&A

07/16/2019 - Magellanic Clouds in Motion - to Cosmology

07/17/2019 - Significance of the CMB - to Cosmology

07/18/2019 - X-Ray Point Source - posted to the 3 groups

07/25/2019 - Result of that 7/18 post to Cosmology group: censored

07/28/2019 - Solar Tsunami - posted to EUT

08/01/2019 - Crab Nebula Active - posted to EUT

08/01/2019 - Gravitational Wave Event Controversy - posted to the 3 groups

08/03/2019 - Dark Matter Margin of Error -posted to the 3 groups

08/06/2019 - Spiral Galaxy arm's magnetic fields - posted to Cosmology group
shorter version on 08/02 posted to EUT


08/02/2019 - Lucy Space Probe to Jupiter's Trojans

08/06/2019 - What is a photon?  - posted to Cosmology group

rest are posted to EUT

08/07/2019 - Interstellar Magnetic Fields

08/07/2019 - Supergravity

08/08/2019 - Milky Way had Too Few Satellite Galaxies But Now Too Many

08/08/2019 - Cosmologists Debate Universe Expansion - July 2019

08/08/2019 - Oldest Star Is  Older than Universe

08/11/2019 - Age of the Universe Margin of Error

08/11/2019 - X-Ray Binary Star Explanation

08/12/2019 - Neutron Star Glitch

08/13/2019 - Determining a Spiral Galaxy Rotation - posted to C&A also

08/13/2019 - LIGO Update (superseded on 8/20; future updates in research)

08/15/2019 - Solar Wind Collisionless Shocks

08/20/2019 - LIGO Events and Earth Tide Ripples

08/20/2019 -  Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument

08/21/2019 - Supernova Bullet

08/22/2019 - BOSS Analysis of Quasars - posted to C&A also

08/26/2019 - Planet Uranus Rings

08/26/2019 - Supernova Luminosity Curve Stretching in Time

08/31/2019 - Two Gamma Ray Bursts

09/02/2019 - More Gravitational Wave Detections

09/08/2019 - Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays

09/09/2019 - Saturn's rotation period
09/11/2019 - LIGO Controversy
09/11/2019 - Saturn's Aurora

09/13/2019 - Searching for Neutrinos From Ge-76 to Detect None

09/14/2019 - Xenon-124 Neutrinos

09/15/2019 - Xenon-124 for Dark Matter

09/17/2019 - Antares Turbulence

09/17/2019 - WFIRST and Dark Energy

09/17/2019 - Brown Dwarfs in Infrared

09/18/2019 - Neutrino Mass Updated

09/18/2019 - Unique Carbon Monoxide Found in Star's Gas Ring

09/19/2019 - Star Dimming by its Asteroid Belt

09/20/2019 - Supernova IA Assumptions

09/22/2019 - Electrically Active Cartwheel Galaxy

09/22/2019 - Chandra Solves Pulsar Puzzle With Plasmoid

new posts to the FB groups are inserted in chronological order.

My comments to others' posts are in a separate topic (>80).
(updated 09/19/2019)

this topic created - February 2019
last change (here and comments) - 09/22/2019

 Here is the list of topics in this Cosmology Topic Group , including my research.
Here is the list of topics in this Debates Topic Group .
All Topic Groups are available by selecting More TG.
All topics in the site are in the Site Map,
where each Topic Group has its topics indented below it.

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triple-tap for zoom to fit;  pinch for zoom change;  pinched for no zoom